Category Archives: Veil One: Sophomore


I got my letter saying I passed the doctoral exam, and the faculty who read my paper went out of their way to tell me they thought it went quite well.

Firsts: Academic article published

Fibreculture article on DDR.

Grand Theft Moral Purpose: Fear and Lovey-Googly-Eyes in Harper's

The Harper’s Magazine back-to-schoolmarmishness issue this year consists of a panel discussion on video games, literacy, and education… and guess who doesn’t appear in the discussion at all. Despite this oversight, the article has sparked some very lively blog interlinkage among various people whose opinions I respect. The following is my response to the article, and to comments that appear on Ulises’s site.

More Adventures on the Internets

Searching AOL’s logs of one user’s search terms, and wondering why the hell people approach the Internet this way.

Ender's Brain: Science Fiction Models of Intelligence

Brilliance in Ender’s Game, The Diamond Age, The Stars My Destination, and other texts.