
So, following up on my post about the certification exam, I am now partly certified to begin the doctoral process at TC! I got my letter saying I passed the exam, and the faculty who read my paper went out of their way to tell me they thought it went quite well. So now I am partly certified to comment on and/or teach about all this crap. Remaining steps for certification include doing a pilot study for my dissertation and turning in my doctoral study plan.

Then I can do my dissertation, whose soft theoretical underbelly I’ve taken a few perfunctory stabs at. For those of you wondering about timeline, hopefully this won’t take me more than another year and a half, knock wood. My funding runs out at the end of spring semester, I think :(

Standing in my way are a number of other unfinished research projects — one on Civilization and Sim City players, whose core questions are a little up in the air at the moment, as we had some problems getting data; the other is the lower-and-upperclass kids and their gameplay comparison study I’m doing for an M.Ed., which is almost done. I think I’m going to be able to get a lot of mileage out of that one — it goes distinctly counter to some of the key hypotheses about gaming and literacy practices, and I have a lot of data about things ranging from gender to kids’ conceptions of violence in games.

Yeeeeaaah. So, writing ABOUT this is much more appealing than actually working. Get back to work, Andrews…

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