Category Archives: Academic

Internet As Octopus Cuisinart: The Logic Of Sanitizing For Vanity Searches

(Updated 2/15/09) Well, here’s one for you. I just got the following message from a high school classmate on Facebook: Hey Jill, Hope all is well. I am starting a new job and they have asked my to try to clear up all of my internet references…once of which is on your site, the dancing […]

New stuff!

New posts up elsewhere today! The Media Show’s first full episode after the pilot is now up on YouTube. We riff on the American Girl juggernaut of dolls/clothes/movies/books etc. in a pretty grown-up way. Also, I just got word that my second article published in an online journal is now up, though unfortunately it’s only […]

You Don't Own G Andrews At Gmail

So not only has the Gumbaby blog started attracting its own clueless commenters (w00t! my fiendish plan is working), but I am no longer able to ignore an even more troubling bout of internet illiteracy: People have apparently started treating my gandrews email account at gmail as if it is their own. To date I […]

Fighting The Pointless Fight: Books Come Back And Hit You, You Know

OK, I have really, truly lost it. Two moves back and forth across the country, I swore I would jettison every bit of baggage unnecessary to my life, particularly everything heavy; I cussed I swore I kicked things, I frightened poor dear Blair and Abby who helped with my storage. I have crap in Mom’s […]

The Gumbaby Project

As I obliquely mentioned a few posts ago, I’ve started a new blog, over at, which looks at the moment like it will become central to my dissertation. The focus is on a phenomenon which has plagued me here at the DSWJ (and plagued Christine over at Sushiesque) for quite some time: people arriving […]