Category Archives: Academic

working note

Richard Mills, former Commissioner of Education for the State of New York, is receiving a medal at graduation at TC this year. The description of the event features a quote from him: “It’s not fair to graduate children without the knowledge and skills to make it in the world — we are setting them up […]

Murdering Darlings

EdLab just lived up to its promise of being the artsy, synergistic place-you-want-to-be to do your dissertation. The night shift arrived — Gonzalo, holing up at his graphics station to work on his dissertation and other things. I ran into him in the hall and we got talking about certification, proposals, and drafts. He just […]

Remembering the command line

I’m currently writing a section for my dissertation about how computers support or don’t support particular conversational cues. I’m writing about some very old stuff, and trying to remember how certain things worked. Here’s what I’ve got so far: My first experience communicating with a modem provides one place to start. I do not remember […]

Dispatches From The Land Of Lite

After a lovely evening down at The Magician with Annalee, Charlie Jane, and so many other genderqueer folk that my tomboy heart runneth over, I took the A train home. And there, in the space between two doors, were a small handful of teenagers gettin lite. Their announcer said something about practicing for a competition, […]

Four Thousand Dollars for Nine Songs: Help a college student hurt by the RIAA

(OK — note I have now REALLY fixed the PayPal link — it goes to Fab, where as previously somehow it went to me before. I have redirected all funds sent to my PayPal account to her account. Thanks for your patience! So far, we have raised about $420 for Fab — a little over […]