A solution for copyright law

Perhaps it’s the beer and cheese talking, but something just came to me as we were talking about copyright law at Christine’s party.

Disney keeps getting copyright extended every time it looks like Mickey Mouse is under threat of falling into the public domain. Right now copyright expires 75 years after the death of the author.

Roland Barthes declared the death of the author in 1967.

All copyrighted materials should thus fall into the public domain in 2042.



nuclear annihilation
Caspar Weinberger

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Rolling Bums in the Spirit of Giuliani

I’m not sure which I noticed first when I hit the A train stop at 116th after dance class today — the kid coming in the subway gate illegally, or the naggingly familiar white dude standing in a group down the platform — but it was already too late by the time I realized I should warn the kid. The white guy was an undercover cop, and the kid was in deep trouble.

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Keep Your IP Laws Off My Body

Some years back, when I was active in Indymedia, we were all excited about the possibilities digital media offered for reversing the polarity of broadcast media, restoring communication as the two-way affair it was for most of human history and letting everyone just talk. Having been rather disappointed with the narrow representation of this aim Indymedia turned out to be, I have also been pleased with other sites and software developed since. YouTube, obviously.

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Grover in Literature

I’m not sure yet if she read my recent piece on Grover, but Christine has posted a piece on her site (“The Pomo(nster) At The End Of This Book”= best title EVAR) where she’s dug up a piece which calls Grover “a poet of tragic knowledge.”

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