Message to America: Lay off the goddamn mutherfsking air fresheners, will you?!

I just got back from trying to lay the foundations of my Maslow’s pyramid in Vermont, and all I have time to note is that America has an unhealthy relationship with scents… in particular, air fresheners… I was bothered by them in all the usual places — the bus toilet, the hotel shower — but then I was stalked by them in unusual places… in the car I am about to buy, saturated with an unholy stench of fake spice — my father’s old friend, a motorcycle dealer helping me with the auto hookup, found the source in one of those pine-tree-shaped mirror dingleberries, chucked it aside… then upon entering a slanty-floored old house — Bellows Falls — in which I was looking to rent a giant industrial-carpeted kitchen and two teeny adjacent rooms which the pike-faced man who would be my landlord called a living room and bedroom, there I found another pine-tree silhouette waiting at the foot of the slanty, slanty stairs like some bad hobo sign — “Don’t camp here, it stinks–“… then I started to smell them elsewhere… the floral waft of a baby at the pizza parlor… the car I rented smelled of one but tear as I might at the upholstery I couldn’t find the damnable tree… look I know Lynda Barry has said this already — and so, oddly, has John Steinbeck, whose Travels With Charlie I have been trying to make last as long as I can… long as the move… long as the UN continues to stall the US on Iraq, god willing — and they have said it better than I have (Barry: “I’ve never heard a single person ever say they loved the smell of air freshener and yet there are so many people who fill their homes with it”) — but god damn it, America, are you listening?! YOU CAN’T COVER IT ALL UP WITH AN AIR FRESHENER… did I mention once upon a time when I was still indentured to the US, working in the Bronx, when I came into the office to a nearly lethal cloud of Lysol disinfectant lingering in the unventilated hall? a particularly fragrant homeless man had come in, and one of the counselors had tried to purge the scent, not with a common odor masker but with a breathable, ingestable cloud of antibacterial poisons… and they wonder why asthma rates are so high in the Bronx… not only does everyone in this goddamn country try to cover things up with manufactured scents, they’re also too fscking ignorant to know the difference between substances of cosmetic and of hygenic use…

DEATH TO SCENTED CANDLES and all their ilk… I do not exempt the hippies and their goddamn incense… give me unwashed crotch or give me death!

Thomas Builds-The-Fire-And-Is-No-Slouch-At-Self-Promotion,-Either

I got this sudden jones to see more of the work of the guy who played Thomas Builds-The-Fire in Sherman Alexie’s movie Smoke Signals. Turns out Evan Adams has his own website, with lots of promo pix and an almost embarassingly detailed and strange vita — the man is also a doctor. And if you thought Adams did the best filmic geeking out since Real Genius, we’re in luck — he’s in a new movie, The Business of Fancydancing — also based on an Alexie book — which is now playing in New Mexico and will open this week in New York and California this month. (Dude, Sherman Alexie has a website. Screw all these older writers who’ve convinced themselves that computers are evil.)

What You Call Those Random Sayings You And Your Friends Have

I am submitting to Macros2000 the zine because it is a repository of all of our little personal in-jokes and routines and I think it’s pretty important, don’t you, that we canonize all the frivolity our lives are made up of and liken it to computer scripts? And the page I linked to is going to mek no sense to you? Because you have to see the zine. Order the zine! It is totally worth the two dollars plus licorice. I have Jessamyn to thank for direction towards this link. She has good zines at her house. Dammit this post is no good. I will correct it later.

Cel Phone Symphony

OK, I know it was on Slashdot yesterday, but this musical arrangement of cel phones is just too cool not to pass along. Check out the audio clips especially. I’m now sitting here staring at my little silver Samsung wishing it would do something cooler than shriek when I get called.

I'm A My Little Pony Melter

So prisoners in Pennsylvania prisons aren’t eligible to sue over medical experiments performed over them in the sixties. What kind of precedent does this set for My Little Ponies brutally manipulated by 40-year-old collectors? Will there be no opportunities for a class-action lawsuit by ponies misrepresented in libellous fan fiction without narrative trajectory or climax? And — the eternal Dancing Sausage question — what about me? What subtle turn of fate decided that I was never to join the ranks of full-grown women for whom stories about ponies they never bought or the horrors of inauthentic My Little Ponies are still as vivid today as they were when they were five? What cruel deity kept me from projecting my adult fantasies about exotic locales like Japan onto four-inch-tall hunks of horseplastic? Why have I not come to my senses and taken advantage of the tender, pink, candy-scented market for these buggers? Why, God, Why?!