Digital Debutante

I’ve made my first (overdue) foray into commenting over at Terranova, one of the academic gaming sites. I’m a little cowed and have already had my argument methodically picked apart, but oddly, I feel like I finally understand what they mean when they say knowledge is generated in discussion rather than transferred from on high.

What's not to understand? Hey Steve's mouth exploded the universe,

I swear something is up over at Homestar Runner…. the writing for this week’s quintuple-feature is much, much faster than their usual pace. And they are genuinely at the peak of their form in all of them. Could the rumor I heard this weekend that they’re signed for a TV chow be true? Is this a bunch of pilot pitch bits? Hmm…

ADDENDUM: In case you didn’t find it hidden in the Shorts section, the music video that the Homestar creators did for They Might Be Giants is up. I don’t enjoy the song too much — it’s the usual post-Flood pop — but it’s nice to see these guys working together.

Post Scoops Times — In Alternate Dimension!

I woke up yesterday morning in Vermont to Jessamyn announcing that Kerry had picked Edwards as a running mate. My sense of reality was somewhat shaken when I returned to New York to find a copy of the New York Post in a subway station whose headline implied that Kerry had in fact chosen Gephardt. Who to believe? Well, never the paper which ran pictures of the UN with ferrets Photoshopped in over the blazing headline “AXIS OF WEASELS” when the UN refused to support Bush’s declaration of war… but who could have guessed they would actually make such a Dewey-Wins-size error in this day and age? Neil tells me he watched them take the stuff down quietly off the site — he says he did not see a retraction. So, what really happened here? They say someone sent them a bum email, but this made it to headline news — it should have been checked at least three times over. You have to wonder. Were they trying to somehow cast doubt on the announcement? Introduce disinformation which might swing voters? naah, too little, too early in the race. Did the person sending them the info want to see egg on the Post’s face? Hmmm….

New Literacies: A Review

Reading the Lankshear and Knobel book titled New Literacies, having heard it referenced all semester. I’m a little disappointed.

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Dude, I keep telling you already,

… the LA Times is to the left of the NY Times. (Slight praise, I know.) When it comes to investigative and labor reporting, they actually come out sounding pretty progressive. But noooo. Nobody wants to read it, because it’s from LA, and anything from LA is inherently evil. (grumble) Screw you, haytaz.