Category Archives: HAMMER SMASH!

Warcraft Diary: Existential Blues

At some point it became clear that the other members of the guild were actually heading back to “the Tower” — not the one we’d escaped from, but another one which seemed to basically be home. Even though I wanted to log off this didn’t alarm me too much, because going back to this home state or logging off seemed to more or less be the same thing. I did worry, however, that the other guildies had been online for far too long already.

Warcraft Diary: The World of Scarce Things

Sunglasses, sleeping, and not sleeping IRL.

Warcraft Diary Entries 3 and 4

Thousands of people logged on to these servers. A lot of them kids, but a good portion vocally annoyed enough with the kids to mark themselves as adults. At some point, everything we do will be deleted or otherwise lost. Think about this generation of humanity, doing this. I can’t tell if it’s better or worse than life has ever been. It’s not as passive as the couch potatoes of the last generation, I don’t think. But we make and move and fight and boast and dance in a world which is ephemeral: the question is how much more fragile is it than human culture has ever been?

A Multiliteracies Manifesto

Elaborations on “A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures” by the New London Group.

Kicking Republicans

Slimy Tonic fell on the floor!