Chengwins of Fire

New York offers many cultural events which never hit the average person’s radar– even the average person in the city itself. Thankfully, ol’ Hampshire buddy Rob Domingo is not average, so I get all the good stuff. Early last year Rob and I participated in the Chengwin and Chunk half-mile marathon. (These pictures have probably been up for a while but Rob just brought them to my attention.) Chengwin and Chunk are people dressed up in giant chickenlike costumes who basically enact battles between good and evil. This time it was in abbreviated marathon form. Basically it was a great excuse to leave passing tourbus guides completely speechless as they tried to fit the unexpected takeover of Houston Street by cheering boho nerds led by giant chickens into their usual patter. Rob swears he can see us in the pictures but I think he trippin. What you can’t see in the pictures was that at the fraction milemarkers they had, someone was passing out Vaseline and Red Bull instead of water. New York Ceeeeety!

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