


  • User researcher with a track record of improving retention and user experience.
  • Multimedia producer with experience in video, print, and digital.
  • Fast learner with new software.
  • Clear and engaging writer, able to communicate to a range of audiences.

Areas of Expertise


  • Usability research (AB testing, metrics, failure analysis)
  • Video editing
  • Tutorial development
  • Game design
  • Curriculum design
  • Blogging and social media
  • Data analysis
  • Database management
  • Documentation
  • Writing, editing, and proofreading



Software and code
  • Data analysis: Morae, SPSS, Excel, Atlas.TI, NVivo.
  • Database development and management: FileMaker Pro.
  • Video post-production: Final Cut Pro, Motion, Soundtrack Pro, Compressor, Quicktime.
  • Graphics: Photoshop, Illustrator.
  • Web development: HTML, XML, CSS; Dreamweaver, wireframes; blog platforms.
  • Light code: Java, Python; experience modifying PHP and Javascript.



Web Consultant
International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution, Columbia University, New York, NY
  • Solving data management issues for a high-publication-volume academic department.
  • Building workarounds from WordPress to legacy CMS system; managing CSS.
Producer and Creator
The Media Show, New York, NY
2008 – present
  • Wrote, edited, and produced videos to help users understand technology concepts.
  • Planned distribution; analyzed traffic, strategized for production using YouTube metrics.
  • Kept to a weekly publication schedule when required; stayed on budget.
  • Managed a small team of volunteer creatives, interns, pre- and post-production staff.
  • Successfully ran two Kickstarter campaigns, raising over $10,000.
  • Was BoingBoinged, Slashdotted, awarded Media That Matters Festival’s Fair Use Award, 2010.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
  • Wrote and received a Google Academic Research Grant to continue my dissertation research on users’ navigation trouble with search engines and blogs.
  • Visualizations using GraphViz, IBM’s ManyEyes, Google Maps; descriptive statistics.
  • Used Python, ScraperWiki to clean HTML for natural language processing.
Graduate Associate Producer
EdLab at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
  • Involved in planning multimedia exhibitions, WordPress resources for educators.
  • Post-production of short online videos using Final Cut, Soundtrack Pro, Motion.
Research Consultant
PeerView Press, New York, NY
  • Recommended research-based improvements to online instructional system for medical education.
User Experience Consultant
Linden Lab, San Francisco, CA
  • Tasked with improving new user retention and user experience for Second Life.
  • Developed a new user orientation which cut down user dropoff after first login.
  • Communicated specific user frustrations with interface to developers through Morae videos; changes I recommended were included in a major interface overhaul.
  • Through log analysis, identified landing locations associated with user retention.
  • Developed best practices for third-party tutorial developers.
Research Assistant, Spencer Joint Dissertation Group
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
  • Helped plan a study on how players of Sim City and Civilization learn; analyzed data in SPSS.
  • Designed a survey for research; recruited participants.
Contract Game Designer
Destineer Studios, Minnetonka, MN
  • Wrote a design doc for Nintendo DS horse game for a ‘tween girl/casual gaming audience.
McGraw Hill Higher Education, New York, NY
  • Ran study assessing usability of a digital supplement for an educational psychology textbook.
  • Coordinated and developed production standards for national production of video segments.
Sesame Workshop, New York, NY
Fall 2004
  • On set during the 35th season of Sesame Street; learned puppeteering skills through observation.
  • Firsthand view of meetings where researchers, directors, and creatives made production decisions.
Research Assistant
CTELL Project at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
  • Developed database tool for live data collection, documentation for database users.
Fission Communications, New York, NY
  • Proofread medical posters to AMA style.
  • Developed report on data gathered from market research on doctors prescribing sleep aids.
Editorial Assistant
Independent Press Association, New York, NY
  • Edited, researched, and oversaw production of directory/database of NYC ethnic press.
  • Worked with web developer to overhaul organization’s website.
  • Copy/gut edited articles for weekly web digest of local ethnic press.

Public Speaking


Selected talks
  • Andrews, G. (2011) The Role of Blog Software Threading Affordances In Turn-Taking Errors Online. Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, DC.
  • Andrews, G., West, J., Meier, E. (2010) Towards Open Libraries and Schools. HOPE Conference, New York, NY.
  • Andrews, G. (2010) Bloggers vs. “AOL Users”: A digital divide of use and literacy. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Koloa, HI.
  • Andrews, G. (2008) The Source Of All Stupid On The Internet. IgniteNYC, New York, NY.
  • Andrews, G. (2008) Hacking the Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer: Dispatches from the Field of Educational Technology. HOPE Conference, New York, NY.
  • Andrews, G. (2008) Who Will Play Your Educational Game? Listening to Gender and Class Differences. EDUCAUSE Western Regional Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Andrews, G. (2007) A Digital Gaming Divide: Differences in the Game Literacy Practices of Low- and High-Income Students. American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Hammer, J., Black, J., Kinzer, C., Andrews, G., Zhou, Z. (2007) Serious Games: A Preparation for Future Learning Approach. Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, CA.



Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
Doctor of Education (EdD), 2010, Communications in Education
Dissertation on user experience with search engines.
Masters in Education (EdM), 2007, Communications in Education
Hampshire College, Amherst, MA
Bachelor of Arts, 1999, Journalism and Social Sciences