Bouganvillea proposes a topic


Introducing Bouganvillea (right), my troll shamaness on Icecrown. Today I realized she should probably be the one to demonstrate to Dr. Broughton my ideas about Lev Manovich’s The Language of New Media. Now I have to teach myself how to make machinema. In the next 72 hours.


As I was /saying this and photographing Bou, a halo-name floated onto my screen, and I realized sheepishly that even though I was way out in the outback, I wasn’t alone.


Rather than comment, the Tauren bruiser who found Bou began to dance with her, and make flattering comments about her name, and the appropriateness of her hair color to it.


By the end, I had Skeg enrolled in my proposal!


Dr. B’s response to this: Loved the images! I am guessing the last image was supposed to ahve me (foreground figure?) say back something to you (camera? viwer? in the affirmative! ANyway I cant figure out how to operate this scanner so youre out of luck.

His assumptions about interactivity were off (though how does one respond to a hastily thrown-together machinema storyboard which serves as a pre-emptive dog-ate-my-homework note, anyway?), but I guess the paper is all about introducing him to the conventions of gaming, anyway. And now I have an excuse to play WoW for work, for once.

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