Death, Taxes, and Advertising

OK, so it’s not like I learned nothing in that horrible NYU class I took last semester. It’s just that the teacher’s claims to expertise were totally suspect. When I was doing my own research I think I learned a great deal.

One of the things which really stuck with me was the panic of advertisers over the flight of 18-to-34-year-old males from broadcast television. One of the main culprits fingered in this exodus was video gaming. Well, fret no more, dear advertisers — some a$$holes are hell-bent on saturating our virtual worlds with advertising, too (and that’s not counting the saturation which was built in from day one to non-gaming, often female-oriented virtual spaces like There or Second Life). You’ll get all the docile, consumptive young men you want. Let’s just pray some of them read both Adbusters and 2600… (Thanks to Terranova.)

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