Better Than Abstinence

Through a couple of dyke-created, dyke-oriented p0r-n sites that M’issa referred me to, including one site with faerie scenarios (that’s faeries, as in with wings, not effete males, and no, I will not link here, for crying out loud my nine-year-old cousin reads this site) I found the Technical Virgin site. Nice simple response to abstinence-only sex-ed. Totally worth the download on the PSA video clips they have– they’re short and very funny. The site that referred me there (and if you poke around that should take you to the faeries, all right?) has the best exit site I have ever seen — what a great use for the sorry-you’re-under-18 link, to point kids towards healthy information about sexuality.

Someone asked me recently why I write things like fsck and b00b13s rather than spelling them correctly — it is self-censorship, yes, but it’s not because I don’t want to offend anyone; it’s because I want my page to slide under the gaze of NetNanny-type software. this post is not going to make it through anyway, I think. especially with the Sc1ent0l0gy censorware, because it includes the word “poodle.”

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