So! Who’s coming to the fifth HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) conference this summer, July 9th-11th right here in New York Seedy? I went to one (H2K2) a few summers ago and thoroughly enjoyed it, from my first projected DDR game, to Jello Biafra’s presentation of corporate conference musical numbers, to Aaron McGruder’s sly exhortations, to the social engineering session where they wangled credit card numbers out of some clueless Starbucks barista in front of an entire audience of slavering, yowling hackers. My only regret was skipping the lockpicking session. Is your attendance going to be noted in your FBI file? Absolutely. Will a new file be created for you if you don’t have one already? You bet your tenure it will. Be there! (GUS’S LIMITED OFFER for people I know and like who don’t have crabs or cat allergies: First out-of-town respondant can crash on my couch! That’s right! Genuine sleepytime on Pee Couch!)
Nobody Reads Your Blog
Communication, technology, education, and the body. I got my blog hat on, here. Expect working notes, not research.
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